Sompote Sands'
Magic Lizard really is shit. Simply one of the most harrowingly awful things ever committed to celluloid. Of course, to certain types, a fact so unavoidably unpleasant only presents itself as a challenge. Such are Keith of
Teleport City and Carol of
The Cultural Gutter -- and, wouldn't you know it, those two crazy kids have gone and scheduled a joint viewing of the film,
this very Sunday evening at 10pm EST, during which they will be sharing their minute-to-minute reactions on Twitter. (Can stunned silence be tweeted? Quiet sobbing? We shall see.) A number of us who have already been hardened by the experience of watching
Magic Lizard will also be on hand to alternately guide, heckle and cajole them as they, for the first time, pay horrible, horrible witness to it. I suppose it's possible that there are others out there who might own a copy of
Magic Lizard and, if that's you, you're welcome to join us by using the Twitter hashtag
#MagicLizard. It's your life.
It's almost too strange to believe, and yet there it is, in color.
Now just imagine 90+ minutes of that.
Are Keith and Carol going to be okay? I'm worried about them.
I don't know. I've seen it twice. Do you think I'm okay?
Oh dear...
I think the camera moves around a little too much. Somehow it bespeaks a lack of visual confidence. I am sure that professionalism will come with practice, Mr. Sands.
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