“Freshly Remember’d: Kirk Drift”
Friend of the Gutter Erin Horáková’s piece on “Kirk Drift” is always
timely. Why do people remember Captain James T. Kirk differently than he
was presented...
13 hours ago
Hi there. I discovered your blog a little while back and I'd just like to say I think it's awesome! I've been into world-weird films for yrs and there's not enough good blogs/sites/zines about them. Well done.
Oh, and I posted this on Thursday:
It's Thursday's best boner-themed pop song. I'll give you that. I'm confused, though. Wouldn't it have been more illustrative of the lyrics if he'd stuck the flare in his urethra, rather than his ass crack? Just saying.
Anyway, Thanks for reading, Jack. Glad you enjoy the blog. I'm gonna make yours a regular stop from now on.
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