THIS FILM IS A WORK OF FICTION. No resemblance is intended to any persons living, dead, or yet to be born or conceived. Neither is any resemblance intended to any type of artificial human created by science, such as a life-like android, Robocop, or a man made out of dead body parts like Frankenstein. It should also be said that any resemblance between the characters and the actors who play them is purely accidental, as those actors are only as God made them, and neither they or the producers had any say in the outcome. Were we at the point where actors were farmed, rather than bred in the wild, it might be a different story, but that is simply not the case. Moving on, any resemblance to any real event, situation, circumstance, contingency, notion, or similarity is coincidental, as is any resemblance to any recognizable bodily function or action. Also, no resemblance to any religion is intended, especially Scientology. Any resemblance to any nation, region or state is also unintentional, as is any similarity to any of said nation, region, or state’s flags, uniforms, anthems, geography, ideology or pastimes. Needless to say, this is true not only for any nation, region, or state on this Earth, but also for those on any other planet anywhere in the galaxy or universe, and also in any possible alternative or “mirror” dimension like on Fringe. Also, if we’ve forgotten anything, please don’t sue us.
When Robots Dream of Love
“And we’ll hate what we’ve lost but we’ll love what we find…” – from
“Featherstone” by The Paper Kites Sometimes I feel like the joy and value
of ephemeral...
1 day ago
if this were the ultimate Chinese or Turkish film disclaimer, you'd have to mention the soundtrack...
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