Thursday, March 21, 2013

I've finally reached the gutter

The Cultural Gutter has long been one of my favorite sites, reliably providing well written and thoughtful commentary on a wide range of pop culture subjects... well, until now. That's because, when Gutter editor Carol Borden invited me to contribute, I leapt -- leapt! -- at the opportunity. The result is a troubled rumination on one of my favorite musical moments in cinema. Please toddle over and have a look, won’t you?


  1. My plot to have you write for The Cultural Gutter has been years in the making. At last, my plans have come to fruition!

  2. And all you had to do was ask. So devious!


PLEASE NOTE: I do not sell, trade, upload or otherwise provide copies of the films that I review on this site, so please don’t ask.

Please, no questions about where to download films or subtitle files. If you are asking about the availability of a reviewed film on DVD, please make sure that you have first conducted a simple search of the film’s title on Google, eBay, and Amazon. That usually works for me.

Everyone else, BRING IT ON!

Love, The Management