Friday, April 13, 2012

I have a tumblr (and other news from 2009)

I would be the last person to suggest that making screen caps from movies was in itself some form of art. Yet, at the same time, I do put a lot of thought into the process, and there are occasions when I become obsessed with certain of the images that I’ve ended up with. It occurred to me that it might be nice if I had a forum in which to display those images divorced from the context of both the movies and the reviews in which they appeared. Fortuitously, it at the same time dawned on me that what the internet truly needed was one more creepily obsessive tumblr. And so I give to you cyclopsalot, the official 4DK tumblr -- thus titled because, regrettably, I have no child on whom I can bestow that name. Hopefully you will keep checking in to see where it goes, and perhaps, dare I ask, even “like” it -- until, of course, I lose interest in it, whereupon it will become just one more of the online world’s many derelict documents of forgotten compulsions.


  1. I am delighted. I have always hoped you'd do something like this (and frequently wished that the images on your blog would display bigger when clicked), so this is like a hope come true (and maybe a wish, too). as of right now, I do not have the ability to "like" a Tumblr, but you can be assured that I like it.

  2. Thank you, sir! And I "like" the idea of making hopes (or wishes) come true. I in turn hope and wish that what I do with this thing proves worthy of your generous words.

  3. EXCELLENT WORK Todd. I love good screencaps, and they are a lot of work.

    :)))) I almost want to join Tumblr so I can follow Cyclopsalot. That and "Fuck Your Noguchi Coffee Table".

    You could always look for a dog or cat with one eye on which to bestow this name as well. I had a cat with one eye as a child, but all I came up with was "One Eye"...

  4. As you're a master screencapper, I take your approval as a supreme compliment. And, yes, it is certain that, one way or another, some defenseless creature with no say in the matter will one day end up with the name Cyclopsalot -- and all of the dog park maulings or playground beatings that entails.


PLEASE NOTE: I do not sell, trade, upload or otherwise provide copies of the films that I review on this site, so please don’t ask.

Please, no questions about where to download films or subtitle files. If you are asking about the availability of a reviewed film on DVD, please make sure that you have first conducted a simple search of the film’s title on Google, eBay, and Amazon. That usually works for me.

Everyone else, BRING IT ON!

Love, The Management