Friday, March 18, 2011

Fighting Femmes, Fiends, and Fanatics Episode 8: The Three Fantastic Supermen

In this latest installment of Fighting Femmes, Fiends, and Fanatics, series producer Steve Mayhem discusses the first entry in the inexplicably long-lived Three Fantastic Supermen series. As is so often the case, the first is the best, in this case due largely to the participation of some principles from the beloved (by us) Kommissar X series, namely stars Brad Harris and Tony Kendall and director Gianfranco Parolini.


  1. Very cool episode! THREE FANTASTIC SUPERMEN is the very first film I remember seeing! I was 7 yrs old and it was screened at the film-club at my school.

  2. Thanks, Jack. I think that 7 is just about the optimal age for enjoying this film. What that says about Steve M. and myself I'm loathe to speculate upon.


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Love, The Management