Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lucha Diaries update

I've just updated the Lucha Diaries homepage with links to all of my most recent Teleport City reviews. In the course of doing that I discovered that, for some reason, the site is currently not accessible by way of the url. I'm all paid up and the domain doesn't expire for another year, so, honest, it's not my fault this time. Anyway, until I get that sorted out, the site is always accessible via the following link:

Please update your bookmarks accordingly. Thanks!


  1. thanx for the link, i was wondering about that...

    caption for photo- "Dear Santo, i mean Santa, i'm Santo, gotta remember that...

  2. Poor Santo. His attempts to write a letter to Santa frequently get scuttled because he gets confused, thinks he's writing a letter to himself, and stops.


PLEASE NOTE: I do not sell, trade, upload or otherwise provide copies of the films that I review on this site, so please don’t ask.

Please, no questions about where to download films or subtitle files. If you are asking about the availability of a reviewed film on DVD, please make sure that you have first conducted a simple search of the film’s title on Google, eBay, and Amazon. That usually works for me.

Everyone else, BRING IT ON!

Love, The Management