In fact, if you squint a little, you might even mistake My Blade, My Life for one of Chor Yuen’s later Ku Long adaptations. It features a large and ever-shifting cast of characters, confusing rivalries between exotic clans, swordfights on fog enshrouded marshes, and a theme that seems to emphasize the spiritual cost of the Martial World’s routine of endless rivalry upon the heroes honor-bound to observe it. Thankfully, though, Pearl Cheung Ling is here to bridge the gap between MBML and what came before, bringing to the proceedings her signature sword-wielding violent bag lady persona – the type of character who might pop up momentarily in one of Chor’s films, but certainly would never be put front and center – driving home the crazy with an outfit that includes a rough wool tunic that makes her looks like she has an entire sheep – perhaps still living – draped across her torso.

In any case, Pearl is traveling from kingdom to kingdom in search of a hero called Peerless Swallow whom she has sworn vengeance upon. Over the course of this search, she reveals herself to have a bit of a temper, and is quick to slaughter anyone who gets in her way in the most gory way possible. This aspect of the story proves once and for all that, despite its stately trappings, My Blade, My Life is, at its heart, a Pearl Cheung Ling film, a fact no better proven than by scenes in which Pearl slices a guy’s entire lower jaw off and drives a pair of chopsticks through another’s face.

My Blade, My Life was written and directed by Chan Ming-wa, who, as I mentioned in my review of his China Armed Escort, seemed to have only helmed films in which Pearl starred, though I have no clue as to what their relationship was. In the final analysis, it’s a good looking and reasonably enjoyable film – well worth watching for its best moments, but never quite living up to the promise that those moments suggest. And, in case you’re not clear on it, by “best” I mean “strangest”. If you’re a fan of Pearl’s, like I am, you may be mildly disappointed by it in the long run, but you’ll still be glad not to have missed that fight scene in the Yin-Yang lair, or her pushing those chopsticks through that guy’s face. At least that is my sober and well-considered opinion.
Heck, I'm tempted to watch it just to see Pearl in that cool wool tunic!
Each and every form of chopstick fu at once puts a movie into the realm of "pieces of art everyone should experience".
At least that's what it says in my Kung Fu manual.
Pearl deserves a bigger cult following than she has. When I got more seriously into kungfu films back in 1990 or so, Miraculous Flower and Matching Escort were two of the first films I watched. I still haven't fully recovered and hope I never do.
I think Pearl's a real treasure, and it amazes me that it's so difficult to find information about her, especially given what a unique figure she is in kung fu cinema. I mean, how many people's faces does a girl have to impale with chopsticks before she can get a little recognition?
the best film that i've ever seen.
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